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Children Strabismus ID
Volk Eye Check provides automatic real-time measurements of 7 different eye features
Clinician benefits are:
Complements and enhances standard examinations, eg – cover test; assessment of anisocoria, ptosis, buphthalmos. Particularly helpful when clinician is unsure about strabismus, pupil size, lid position. Can reduce potentially missed conditions
Provides objective and repeatable measurements of key eye features – strabismus angle, pupil size, lid position, iris diameter, eye aperture
Reduces trial-and-error in fitting contact lenses by providing the accurate size of irises, pupils, lid position and pupil eccentricity
Provides objective digital documentation of eye features and eye conditions; retention of electronic records and helpful for onward referrals
Reduces inter-clinician variability – standardize testing across practices and between clinicians in multi-site environments such as optometry chains and healthcare groups.
Provides proof and record of examination in case of litigation
Saves clinician time – abnormalities can be quickly identified and immediately investigated by the clinician
Saves chair time – testing with the device can be performed by an assistant and
clinician reviews the result
Professional article
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